Card Birth Announcement_08
Come and sail with me_name_04
Coupure-Safari Mania-Glückwunsch
Safari Mania_Congratulations
Rocking horse_name_02
Coupoure_Safari Mania_Happy Birthday
I love you up to the moon_name_02
Twinkle Little Star_Happy Birthday
Card Birth Announcement_02
Flower Power_name_01
I love you up to the moon
Fairy Love_name_03
Lucky Ladybird_Name Luis Gustav-framed
Flower power_name_04

Are you looking for a unique and personalized birthday invitation? Our cards are the perfect choice for this special occasion. You can choose from one of our 10 designs or you can contact us for a personalised design. Following the tradition of Swiss paper cutting, our cards are lasercut with the name and birthday date. The full text will be printed on your choice of insert paper color.

It takes 5 days from order date for the cards to be ready to ship.
FREE SHIPPING in Switzerland!

Our designs are trendy and unique. We have been featured in Babyccinokids blogHaper’s BazaarVogue UKBaby&me Magazine, Ouders van Nu, MYsecretZuri and other famous mummy blogs.

This is the perfect invitation card to honour this very special occasion.



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As seen in Vogue blog_BabyccinoKidsLogo petit boo babyandme